Every Lady that ever had a dream should pick this journal up!!!
Here is a peak inside my Tiffany Blue Scholar Agenda 2009:
(organization & inspiration are key)
This is a piece of Art that I created the other day. Im very proud of my first painting (oil paint on canvas) who knows maybe one day it will be up for auction but for now it rests on my wall. PLuSH Embassy Baby ♥
This next painting on my wall is something I picked up at a Vintage sale. She's a PLuSH gypsy.
Next piece of Art on my wall is by my Dad artist Ras Stone...
Next piece of art was given to me by my mom. Can you believe she was going to throw this Egyptian piece out when my middle name is Makeda!!! I quickly adopted it.
Next print on my wall has a funny (inside joke) story behind it. I picked this piece up in Queens NY. Has anyone been to a gas station in flushing Queens that is lacking this character? LoLoLoL
Last painting is by a woman named Nicole. It hangs over my bed because I ♥ floral arrangements!
This section holds PLuSH Empress' trinkets...Flowers, Flowers and more Flowers!

Now there is much more pieces for me to share (PE room tour coming up next) but I think I'll save that for another post!
In the body of your email please include: your name, horoscope sign, profession and hobbies/interests, as well as some high res pics of PLuSH pieces in your home and of yourself.
PLuSH Empress...says show me what you got!
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