EmpoWOMENt Tweet-a-Thon
“One Life, One Love, A Powerful You!”
“One Life, One Love, A Powerful You!”
International Women’s Day, celebrates the economic, political, and social achievements of women worldwide. EmpoWOMENt is an international grassroots initiative that encourages women to promote and embrace one’s own self-actualization by using positive thinking to make change, through growth that is self-initiated, and never ending.
Our goal is to donate a $1 to a local and international charity, for every tweet that includes "#empowoment" The local charity will be Honey Shine Mentoring Program (a program of Alonzo Mourning Charities, http://www.honeyshine.org/), and the international organization will be the Global Fund for Women (http://www.globalfundforwomen.org/). Each organization supports women and girls, who are experiencing challenges and difficulties, at different points in their life and utilizes various resources to empower these women and girls to live their best lives.
Join us on March 8, 2011 on http://www.twitter.com/ for the EmpoWOMENt Tweet-A-Thon from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Please be sure to use hashtag “#empowoment” on that day.
Our goal is to donate a $1 to a local and international charity, for every tweet that includes "#empowoment" The local charity will be Honey Shine Mentoring Program (a program of Alonzo Mourning Charities, http://www.honeyshine.org/), and the international organization will be the Global Fund for Women (http://www.globalfundforwomen.org/). Each organization supports women and girls, who are experiencing challenges and difficulties, at different points in their life and utilizes various resources to empower these women and girls to live their best lives.
Join us on March 8, 2011 on http://www.twitter.com/ for the EmpoWOMENt Tweet-A-Thon from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Please be sure to use hashtag “#empowoment” on that day.

Rochelle Gapere, Partner
Social Esquire, LLC
(305) 588 - 7624
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